source: trunk/third/perl/vms/ @ 14545

Revision 14545, 6.3 KB checked in by ghudson, 24 years ago (diff)
This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r14544, which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches.
1$!  Test.Com - DCL driver for perl5 regression tests
3$!  Version 1.1   4-Dec-1995
4$!  Charles Bailey
6$!  A little basic setup
7$   On Error Then Goto wrapup
8$   olddef = F$Environment("Default")
9$   oldmsg = F$Environment("Message")
10$   If F$Search("t.dir").nes.""
11$   Then
12$       Set Default [.t]
13$   Else
14$       If F$TrnLNm("Perl_Root").nes.""
15$       Then
16$           Set Default Perl_Root:[t]
17$       Else
18$           Write Sys$Error "Can't find test directory"
19$           Exit 44
20$       EndIf
21$   EndIf
22$   Set Message /Facility/Severity/Identification/Text
24$   exe = ".Exe"
25$   If p1.nes."" Then exe = p1
26$   If F$Extract(0,1,exe) .nes. "."
27$   Then
28$     Write Sys$Error ""
29$     Write Sys$Error "The first parameter passed to Test.Com must be the file type used for the"
30$     Write Sys$Error "images produced when you built Perl (i.e. "".Exe"", unless you edited"
31$     Write Sys$Error "Descrip.MMS or used the AXE=1 macro in the MM[SK] command line."
32$     Write Sys$Error ""
33$     Exit 44
34$   EndIf
36$!  "debug" perl if second parameter is nonblank
38$   dbg = ""
39$   ndbg = ""
40$   if p2.nes."" then dbg  = "dbg"
41$   if p2.nes."" then ndbg = "ndbg"
43$!  Pick up a copy of perl to use for the tests
44$   Delete/Log/NoConfirm Perl.;*
45$   Copy/Log/NoConfirm [-]'ndbg'Perl'exe' []Perl.
47$!  Make the environment look a little friendlier to tests which assume Unix
48$   cat == "Type"
49$   Macro/NoDebug/NoList/Object=Echo.Obj Sys$Input
50                .title echo
51                .psect data,wrt,noexe
52        dsc:
53                .word 0
54                .byte 14 ; DSC$K_DTYPE_T
55                .byte 2  ; DSC$K_CLASS_D
56                .long 0
57                .psect code,nowrt,exe
58                .entry  echo,^m<r2,r3>
59                movab   dsc,r2
60                pushab  (r2)
61                calls   #1,G^LIB$GET_FOREIGN
62                movl    4(r2),r3
63                movzwl  (r2),r0
64                addl2   4(r2),r0
65                cmpl    r3,r0
66                bgtru   sym.3
67                nop     
68        sym.1:
69                movb    (r3),r0
70                cmpb    r0,#65
71                blss    sym.2
72                cmpb    r0,#90
73                bgtr    sym.2
74                cvtbl   r0,r0
75                addl2   #32,r0
76                cvtlb   r0,(r3)
77        sym.2:
78                incl    r3
79                movzwl  (r2),r0
80                addl2   4(r2),r0
81                cmpl    r3,r0
82                blequ   sym.1
83        sym.3:
84                pushab  (r2)
85                calls   #1,G^LIB$PUT_OUTPUT
86                movl    #1,r0
87                ret     
88                .end echo
89$   Link/NoMap/NoTrace/Exe=Echo.Exe Echo.Obj;
90$   Delete/Log/NoConfirm Echo.Obj;*
91$   echo == "$" + F$Parse("Echo.Exe")
93$!  And do it
94$   Show Process/Accounting
95$   testdir = "Directory/NoHead/NoTrail/Column=1"
96$   Define/User 'dbg'Perlshr Sys$Disk:[-]'dbg'PerlShr'exe'
97$   MCR Sys$Disk:[]Perl. "-I[-.lib]" - "''p3'" "''p4'" "''p5'" "''p6'"
98$   Deck/Dollar=$$END-OF-TEST$$
99# $RCSfile:,v $$Revision: $$Date: 2000-04-07 20:47:14 $
100# Modified for VMS 30-Sep-1994  Charles Bailey
102# This is written in a peculiar style, since we're trying to avoid
103# most of the constructs we'll be testing for.
105# skip those tests we know will fail entirely or cause perl to hang bacause
106# of Unixisms in the tests.  (The Perl operators being tested may work fine,
107# but the tests may use other operators which don't.)
108use Config;
113          'gdbm.t','io_dup.t', 'io_pipe.t', 'io_poll.t', 'io_sel.t',
114          'io_sock.t', 'io_unix.t',
115          'ndbm.t','odbm.t','open2.t','open3.t', 'ph.t', 'posix.t', 'dprof.t');
117# Note: POSIX is not part of basic build, but can be built
118# separately if you're using DECC
119# io_xs.t tests the new_tmpfile routine, which doesn't work with the
120# VAXCRTL, since the file can't be stat()d, an Perl's do_open()
121# insists on stat()ing a file descriptor before it'll use it.
122push(@libexcl,'io_xs.t') if $Config{'vms_cc_type'} ne 'decc';
126foreach $file (@exclist) { $skip{$file}++; }
128$| = 1;
130@ARGV = grep($_,@ARGV);  # remove empty elements due to "''p1'" syntax
132if (lc($ARGV[0]) eq '-v') {
133    $verbose = 1;
134    shift;
137chdir 't' if -f 't/TEST';
139if ($ARGV[0] eq '') {
140    foreach (<[.*]*.t>) {
141      s/.*[\[.]t./[./;
142      ($fname = $_) =~ s/.*\]//;
143      if ($skip{"\L$fname"}) { push(@skipped,$_); }
144      else { push(@ARGV,$_); }
145    }
148if (@skipped) {
149  print "The following tests were skipped because they rely extensively on\n";
150  print " Unixisms not compatible with the current version of perl for VMS:\n";
151  print "\t",join("\n\t",@skipped),"\n\n";
154$bad = 0;
155$good = 0;
156$total = @ARGV;
157while ($test = shift) {
158    if ($test =~ /^$/) {
159        next;
160    }
161    $te = $test;
162    chop($te);
163    $te .= '.' x (24 - length($te));
164        open(script,"$test") || die "Can't run $test.\n";
165        $_ = <script>;
166        close(script);
167        if (/#!..perl(.*)/) {
168            $switch = $1;
169            # Add "" to protect uppercase switches on command line
170            $switch =~ s/-(\S*[A-Z]\S*)/"-$1"/g;
171        } else {
172            $switch = '';
173        }
174        open(results,"\$ MCR Sys\$Disk:[]Perl. \"-I[-.lib]\" $switch $test |") || (print "can't run.\n");
175    $ok = 0;
176    $next = 0;
177    $pending_not = 0;
178    while (<results>) {
179        if ($verbose) {
180            print "$te$_";
181            $te = '';
182        }
183        unless (/^#/) {
184            if (/^1\.\.([0-9]+)/) {
185                $max = $1;
186                $totmax += $max;
187                $files += 1;
188                $next = 1;
189                $ok = 1;
190            } else {
191                $next = $1, $ok = 0, last if /^not ok ([0-9]*)/;
192                next if /^\s*$/; # our 'echo' substitute produces one more \n than Unix'
193                if (/^ok (.*)/ && $1 == $next) {
194                    $next = $1, $ok=0, last if $pending_not;
195                    $next = $next + 1;
196                } elsif (/^not/) {
197                    $pending_not = 1;
198                } else {
199                    $ok = 0;
200                }
201            }
202        }
203    }
204    $next = $next - 1;
205    if ($ok && $next == $max) {
206        if ($max) {
207            print "${te}ok\n";
208            $good = $good + 1;
209        } else {
210            print "${te}skipping test on this platform\n";
211            $files -= 1;
212        }
213    } else {
214        $next += 1;
215        print "${te}FAILED on test $next\n";
216        $bad = $bad + 1;
217        $_ = $test;
218        if (/^base/) {
219            die "Failed a basic test--cannot continue.\n";
220        }
221    }
224if ($bad == 0) {
225    if ($ok) {
226        print "All tests successful.\n";
227    } else {
228        die "FAILED--no tests were run for some reason.\n";
229    }
230} else {
231    $pct = sprintf("%.2f", $good / $total * 100);
232    if ($bad == 1) {
233        warn "Failed 1 test, $pct% okay.\n";
234    } else {
235        warn "Failed $bad/$total tests, $pct% okay.\n";
236    }
238($user,$sys,$cuser,$csys) = times;
239print sprintf("u=%g  s=%g  cu=%g  cs=%g  files=%d  tests=%d\n",
240    $user,$sys,$cuser,$csys,$files,$totmax);
242$ wrapup:
243$   Show Process/Accounting
244$   If F$Search("Echo.Exe").nes."" Then Delete/Log/NoConfirm Echo.Exe;*
245$   Set Default &olddef
246$   Set Message 'oldmsg'
247$   Exit
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