Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#215 debathena-cluster on Jaunty doesn't give you a window manager defect blocker fixed 15 years
#240 notify users they're in a chroot on sudo/su enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#244 tex-config may not configure tex completely defect normal fixed 15 years
#246 The mail icon in the panel should do something clever based on chpobox information enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#252 Contact users of repo and tell them to stop jdreed task normal fixed 15 years
#254 debathena-thirdparty uninstallable: mtoolsfm not in Jaunty broder defect normal fixed 15 years
#255 debathena-thirdparty uninstallable: amaya not in Jaunty broder defect normal fixed 15 years
#284 /usr/lib/init/displaymotd barfs on "markup" defect normal fixed 15 years
#165 HPET clock is broken on Dell 760 Hardware defect blocker wontfix 15 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.