Custom Query (16 matches)


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Status: closed (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#873 Our build infrastructure is not reliable defect blocker fixed 14 years
#1111 metrics is broken defect blocker fixed 13 years
#1137 firefox-extension doesn't install on Precise defect blocker duplicate 13 years
#1098 deprecate lprng syntax in printing-config task high fixed 13 years
#1115 debathena-discuss compile fails under Wheezy defect high fixed 13 years
#1116 debathena-grenew compile fails under Wheezy defect high fixed 13 years
#1149 Re-snapshot moira at r4081 for SITE locker support defect high fixed 13 years
#564 clean up licensing jdreed defect normal fixed 15 years
#758 floatflt.sty missing in Lucid jdreed defect normal wontfix 14 years
#829 Give up on Kerberized CUPS enhancement normal wontfix 14 years
#875 nobuild files should live in svn jdreed enhancement normal fixed 14 years
#888 Pull in new moira jdreed defect normal fixed 14 years
#1076 Get rid of -branding packages task normal fixed 13 years
#1097 Kill tex-config with fire defect normal fixed 13 years
#1133 debathena-syslog FTBFS defect normal fixed 13 years
#508 Restore legacy LaTeX packages jdreed defect low wontfix 15 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.