Custom Query (19 matches)


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Status: closed (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#558 Your locker might not be in the attachtab when you run quota defect normal -- fixed
#600 PAM should tell you if you're over quota enhancement low -- fixed
#624 send announce e-mail about cluster upgrade, 64-bit task normal -- fixed
#639 /usr/lib/init/quotawarn hasn't worked in a while defect normal -- duplicate
#642 new-GDM is too cool to display the contents of /etc/nologin defect normal -- fixed
#648 Installer bails on Lucid due to poor interaction with bind9 and resolvconf defect normal -- fixed
#706 GIMP is gone from cluster machines enhancement normal -- duplicate
#709 debathena-thunderbird-config is broken defect blocker -- fixed
#710 LPRng printing broken defect blocker -- fixed
#715 Bring back tty-mode in an xterm login option (a la F2) defect normal -- fixed
#722 tilde-lockername broke in Lucid for non-user lockers defect normal -- wontfix
#672 Build for Maverick lizdenys task normal -- fixed
#477 debathena-lprng cron job causes daily mail with error to be sent jdreed defect low printing worksforme
#538 Document the autodebathenification process in the wiki jdreed task normal -- wontfix
#663 Document Viewer isn't in the Applications menu jdreed defect normal -- workaround
#680 Remind Jaunty users that the world ends in October jdreed task blocker -- fixed
#666 Ask maintainers to upgrade lighttpd geofft task normal -- fixed
#288 Remove Athena (9) entry from PXE menu amb task normal -- fixed
#557 Update PXE installer for Lucid amb defect normal installer fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.