Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Priority Owner Milestone Keywords
#1279 is broken low The Distant Future hackathon
#1261 Inactive SIAB sessions should get cleaned up normal Upstream Utopia hackathon, c
#1176 Story for screen on the dialups normal The Distant Future transition, hackathon
#1018 Good UI for passing print jobs off to someone else normal The Distant Future hackathon
#1000 login chroots should support SSH sessions via containers normal The Distant Future hackathon
#870 save-cluster-info lacks a man page low The Distant Future hackathon newbie
#840 Phase out the auto-updater on -workstation in favor of unattended upgrades normal Current Semester hackathon
#735 make a Dropbox installer normal The Distant Future hackathon
#705 Condense common GDM applet Python code low The Distant Future hackathon
#691 Debug GTK+ printing authentication issues and fix them trivial Upstream Utopia hackathon
#649 Installer should offer to change your apt repo to low witchakk The Distant Future hackathon
#641 Enhance athinfo with a "long" or "human readable" flag for queries trivial The Distant Future hackathon
#620 Build and package a zlogger for Debathena normal The Distant Future hackathon
#523 Restore GUI browsing of course lockers low The Distant Future hackathon
#474 debathena-thunderbird-config should configure newsgroups low The Distant Future hackathon
#410 We need a public workstation verification script normal Current Semester hackathon
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.