Ticket #1177 (closed task: fixed)
sslh on the dialups?
Reported by: | adehnert | Owned by: | |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | The Distant Future |
Component: | linerva | Keywords: | transition, layer9 |
Cc: | Fixed in version: | ||
Upstream bug: |
To transition the linerva.mit.edu name over to athena.dialup, we want users to be able to ssh in on port 443, in addition to using shellinabox or whatever (see #1178).
Change History
comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by adehnert
This is now set up on cvp; athena.dialup is scheduled to get it in about a week (see https://diswww.mit.edu/menelaus/release-team/7879).
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I spoke with jweiss via Jabber, and he says it sounds okay, but that they'll have to investigate to be sure.