1 | | debathena-tex-config is empty on Lucid, and also barfs during the Karmic upgrade. |
| 1 | For some reason, the debathena-tex-config doesn't configure any of the files it's supposed to: |
| 2 | |
| 3 | {{{ |
| 4 | opus:~ broder$ dpkg -L debathena-tex-config |
| 5 | /. |
| 6 | /usr |
| 7 | /usr/share |
| 8 | /usr/share/doc |
| 9 | /usr/share/doc/debathena-tex-config |
| 10 | /usr/share/doc/debathena-tex-config/copyright |
| 11 | /usr/share/doc/debathena-tex-config/changelog.gz |
| 12 | }}} |
| 13 | |
| 14 | aseering reported that this caused errors when upgrading from a release whose tex-config package wasn't borked. |