Ticket #62 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

Make a debathena-cupsys-config package that uses cups.mit.edu

Reported by: tabbott Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in version:
Upstream bug:


I think we'll need to talk to broder about this.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by broder

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

This is basically done. I've created and checked in the debathena-cupsys-config package, and added it as an alternative to the Recommends: debathena-lprng-config in debathena-clients.

Because /etc/cups/cupsd.conf might contain privileged information (like, the only thing I saw was an LDAP password), Etch has it chmodded 640 root:lp, which makes it impossible to build as an unprivileged user, so I also created the monstrosity of a package debathena-cupsys-hack, which chmods the package if it hasn't been changed, and added that as a Build-Depends for debathena-cupsys-config. It shouldn't actually change anything on systems that aren't Etch (this has been fixed in, at the very least, relatively recent version of Ubuntu and in Lenny).

Both of these packages have been checked out in /mit/debathena/packages/config, but since debuild seems to be extraordinarily unhappy, we can't actually push the packages.

Once this package gets uploaded, feel free to recommend it as an alternative to people who want CUPS-based printing, but I'm uncomfortable having it as a Depends: in debathena-clients, even as an alternative to debathena-lprng-config, because I just really am not comfortable essentially forcing cups.mit.edu onto people when we don't really have it configured yet.

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