


15:10 Ticket #709 (debathena-thunderbird-config is broken) created by jdreed
Users are reporting (and I can reproduce) that starting Thunderbird …
10:41 Changeset [24856] by jdreed
In printing-config: * Test system, not argstyle, when adding zephyr args so as not to break LPRng queues


19:48 Ticket #708 (Consider disabling DontZap) created by jdreed
Ctrl-Alt-Backspace is handy in the clusters when all else fails. However, …
16:36 Ticket #706 (GIMP is gone from cluster machines) closed by jdreed
15:48 Ticket #707 (Inform the user that we're trying to log them in) created by jdreed
If AFS is being flaky or the network sucks, the workstation will sit at …
15:38 Ticket #706 (GIMP is gone from cluster machines) created by jdreed
Ubuntu pulled GIMP from Lucid by default, and thus it vanished from the …


17:18 Ticket #663 (Document Viewer isn't in the Applications menu) closed by jdreed
17:04 Ticket #705 (Condense common GDM applet Python code) created by jdreed
The GDM applets (debathena-branding, debathena-kiosk, etc) all use …
02:53 PackageNamesWeDidntUse edited by geofft
02:37 Ticket #704 (revamp the website) created by geofft
I made this mockup some time ago:  http://debathena.geofft.scripts.mit.edu/
02:32 Ticket #703 (find a way to keep "Recent News" up to date) created by geofft
Apparently, we recently upgraded W20-575 to Debathena on Jaunty and are …
02:32 Ticket #702 (installer should use debconf) created by geofft
So, we have this thing that asks you for some questions and then installs …


14:41 Ticket #701 (reactivate should not unnecsssarily spam .xsession-errors) created by jdreed
Currently, when we restart CUPS inside the chroot, it spams …
12:45 Ticket #700 (debothena should run somewhere else) created by geofft
There's a nifty zephyr bot that will expand Trac ticket numbers into …
11:33 Ticket #699 (Consider installing human-theme) created by jdreed
This will allow people to revert to the Jaunty look and feel. Also, it's …


14:11 Changeset [24855] by amb
Use our known static address after kexec instead of using DHCP again.
10:03 Ticket #698 (New users are ending up with corrupted FF profiles) created by jdreed
We've seen a dramatic increase in the number of "SSL is disabled" tickets. …


20:03 Changeset [24854] by geofft
In saferm: * Make saferm largefile-compatible (Trac: #664).
19:54 Ticket #624 (send announce e-mail about cluster upgrade, 64-bit) closed by jdreed
18:37 Debathenification created by jdreed
18:23 Ticket #538 (Document the autodebathenification process in the wiki) closed by jdreed
wontfix: So, I guess what I really meant here was "Document the debathenification …


23:35 Ticket #697 (Make installation on 10/half networks suck less) created by jdreed
2-032 and 38-370 had > 50% failure rates for the upgrade, because they're …
14:20 Ticket #696 (Can't login without mouse) created by kcarnold
For Athena 9 and the the Jaunty Debathena, you could type username, Enter, …


08:25 Milestone Summer 2010 (Lucid Deploy) completed
07:56 Ticket #695 (Add an atq athinfo query) created by jdreed
As long as we're using at(1) for desynchronization, we should have an atq …
05:53 Ticket #694 (auto-upgrade should retry sooner than 24 hours) created by jdreed
If auto-upgrade bails because a workstation is in use, it shouldn't have …


22:56 Changeset [24853] by jdreed
Use global keyboard correctly
22:52 Changeset [24852] by jdreed
Commit the rest of r24851
22:51 Changeset [24851] by jdreed
In printing-config: * The server is named cluster-printers, not cluster-printer * common._setup should set the global variable cupsd (Trac: #665)
22:49 Ticket #665 (lpr/lpq/lp do not detect default printer) reopened by kchen
The fix is insufficient to fix the bug. I took a look at the code, and in …
19:20 Ticket #693 (Divert athinfo.defs for clusters so we can trivially add queries) created by jdreed
Rebuilding a binary package sucks just to change one line in athinfo.defs. …
15:23 Ticket #675 (icedtea6-plugin doesn't get installed on Lucid; reg applet doesn't work) closed by jdreed
15:23 Ticket #692 (icedtea6-plugin doesn't get installed on -workstation) created by jdreed
Despite debathena-extra-software recommending icedtea6-plugin, it does not …
15:20 Ticket #658 (Users must authenticate to print from GTK+ apps) closed by jdreed
15:20 Ticket #691 (Debug GTK+ printing authentication issues and fix them) created by jdreed
This continues #658. We "fixed" this by disabling BrowsePolling?. We …
15:18 Ticket #642 (new-GDM is too cool to display the contents of /etc/nologin) closed by jdreed
15:18 Ticket #690 (debathena-nologin-monitor should display contents of /etc/nologin) created by jdreed
This is a continuation of #642. It may become moot if  LP:600390 gets …
15:14 Ticket #665 (lpr/lpq/lp do not detect default printer) closed by jdreed
15:08 Ticket #657 (lucid cluster installs permit graphical root logins) closed by jdreed
15:07 Ticket #505 (Identify Debathena on the login screen) closed by jdreed
15:07 Ticket #303 (Figure out Ubuntu release upgrades for clusters) closed by jdreed
fixed: We figured them out.
15:05 Ticket #496 (fix cluster-login-config for Lucid) closed by jdreed
15:04 Ticket #689 (debathena-nologin-monitor doesn't display the contents of /etc/nologin) created by jdreed
It should.
15:00 Ticket #688 (damove should accept multiple source packages) created by jdreed
I should be able to do something like `damove "" "-proposed" debathena-foo …
14:48 Changeset [24850] by jdreed
In auto-update: * Use wget -N for completeness
14:39 Changeset [24849] by jdreed
In auto-update: * Don't chmod non-existent files * Be louder in the comments


23:44 Ticket #687 (Clean up the debathena locker) created by jdreed
There's a lot of crap, like "website.old" and "apt-beta", a bunch of …
23:34 Ticket #646 (Installer secretly depends on wget) closed by jdreed
fixed: This was fixed back in July.
23:03 PrintingTestPlan edited by jdreed
23:02 TestPlan edited by jdreed
23:01 PrintingTestPlan created by jdreed
23:00 TestPlan edited by jdreed
22:59 TestPlan edited by jdreed
22:45 Ticket #686 (Seed /var/lib/athena-update-status at install time) created by jdreed
Between when a machine is reinstalled and it first takes an update (which …
22:26 TestPlan edited by jdreed
22:16 HackathonTopics edited by jdreed
22:15 HackathonTopics edited by jdreed
22:14 HackathonTopics edited by jdreed
22:07 HackathonTopics edited by jdreed
22:03 HackathonTopics edited by jdreed
22:02 HackathonTopics edited by jdreed
22:01 HackathonTopics edited by jdreed
22:01 HackathonTopics created by jdreed
21:58 Ticket #685 (Punt help-config) created by jdreed
help-config hasn't really changed substantially since I initially wrote …
21:54 TestPlan edited by jdreed
21:40 Ticket #684 (cluster-login-config does not correctly disable suspend and hibernate) created by jdreed
I still see suspend and hibernate in my indicator-applet-session ("power …
21:10 Ticket #683 (find 32-bit-only locker software that won't work on 64-bit machines) created by geofft
I made a first-order estimate of libraries that don't exist in 32-bit …
20:03 TestPlan edited by jdreed
19:12 Ticket #494 (Switch User locks things up hard on lola-granola (karmic)) closed by jdreed
workaround: We'll track the upstream issue in #682
19:12 Ticket #682 (You can't completely disable user-switching in new-gdm) created by jdreed
Starting with new-gdm (2.25.2+), you can't completely disable …
18:36 Changeset [24848] by jdreed
Revert r24847 and fix the transform to deal with karmic
18:19 Changeset [24847] by jdreed
Apparently not all new GDMs qualify
18:08 Changeset [24846] by jdreed
Revert r24845 and part of r24844; this package does nothing to CUPS
18:01 Changeset [24845] by jdreed
build-depend on debathena-cups and cupsys-config; use single quotes in dpkg --compare-versions for CUPS
17:50 Changeset [24844] by jdreed
In cluster-login-config: * Transform the dbus gdm.conf to break user switching
16:46 Ticket #496 (fix cluster-login-config for Lucid) reopened by jdreed
Or not.
16:31 Ticket #496 (fix cluster-login-config for Lucid) closed by jdreed
12:07 Ticket #681 (reactivate.log is useless) created by jdreed
We should make it less useless, or make it go away.


15:03 TestPlan edited by jdreed
15:00 TestPlan created by jdreed
14:50 Changeset [24843] by jdreed
In gdm-config: * Deal with corner case of set_position not being honored
10:49 Ticket #680 (Remind Jaunty users that the world ends in October) created by jdreed
As we did with Intrepid, we need outreach to Jaunty users.
10:38 Changeset [24842] by jdreed
Make failure a bit more user-friendly


17:59 Changeset [24841] by jdreed
Deal with environments that don't honor position hints
17:15 Changeset [24840] by jdreed
In gdm-config: * Support legacy display resolutions
14:17 Changeset [24839] by jdreed
In kiosk: * Offer the user a chance to run the standalone reg applet, since IcedTea sucks (Trac: #675, #650)
12:59 Ticket #557 (Update PXE installer for Lucid) closed by jdreed
fixed: This is done, we tracked down install failures to #666 and #667
12:57 Ticket #652 (lpq output broke again) closed by jdreed
fixed: Looks like this got moved to production.
04:43 Changeset [24838] by geofft
In cluster-cups-config: * Also do something useful with the printers.conf and classes.conf files, and bail in the postinst/prerm if we can't stop CUPS while attempting to do said useful thing. In cupsys-config: other stuff while cups is down (or if we're not restarting it)
03:25 Changeset [24837] by geofft
In cluster-cups-config: * Also do something useful with the printers.conf and classes.conf files. In cupsys-config: * Permit restart_cups to take a callback restart_cups_extra to do other stuff while cups is down
01:38 Changeset [24836] by geofft
I can read what I'm copying and pasting, really I can
01:32 Changeset [24835] by geofft
In cluster-cups-config: * Build-depend on cupsys | cups (by depending on debathena-cups) so that it's available for package version testing.
01:26 Changeset [24834] by geofft
In cluster-cups-config: * Build-depend on cups so that it's available for package version testing.


21:10 Ticket #679 (libpam-afs-session ships its own pam-auth-update config file) created by broder
As of libpam-afs-session 1.7-2 (in Squeeze), the package ships a …


19:45 Ticket #678 (Debian's clisp-dev has dumb dependencies) created by geofft
 clisp-dev is a Recommendation of …
16:23 Changeset [24833] by jdreed
Revert r24827 and r24828
12:34 Changeset [24832] by jdreed
... and bump the version
12:29 Changeset [24831] by jdreed
Depend on cluster-printing-config
12:25 Changeset [24830] by jdreed
Actually release it
12:19 Changeset [24829] by jdreed
Make rules executable
11:03 Changeset [24828] by jdreed
11:00 Changeset [24827] by jdreed
In locker-menu: * Make Evince stop hiding itself (Trac: #663)


13:42 Changeset [24826] by jdreed
Once again, ifeq != ifneq
13:39 Changeset [24825] by jdreed
In cupsys-config: * Change the diversion of cupsd.conf so that it includes a separate file * Make restart_cups aware of this new file
13:38 Changeset [24824] by jdreed
cluster-cups-config, in case we need it


13:25 Ticket #677 ([printing] 9050s rotate A4 documents) created by kaduk
Not sure if this is a debathena bug or not, but when I spool an A4 …


15:09 Changeset [24823] by jdreed
In kiosk: * Rename button to make it more obvious how to register * Depend on a Java plugin (Trac: #675)
12:44 Ticket #676 (athinfo's timeout option should only affect the establishment of a ...) created by jdreed
athinfo's new timeout option is great, but it should only timeout while …
09:42 Ticket #675 (icedtea6-plugin doesn't get installed on Lucid; reg applet doesn't work) created by jdreed
I have two amd64 machines, both installed with the PXE installer. Neither …


17:13 Changeset [24822] by jdreed
In gdm-config: * Add an applet to monitor /etc/nologin on new-GDM
11:12 Ticket #674 (alpine renders html non-breaking space incorrectly) created by jweiss
It appears that when alpine renders an html message that contains a …


23:37 Ticket #659 (debathena-tex-config occasionally causes pdftex to barf) closed by jdreed
duplicate: Yes, I think this is #669.
23:28 Changeset [24821] by jdreed
In gdm-config: * Fix typo in rules file
23:27 Changeset [24820] by jdreed
ifneq is not the same as ifeq
23:01 Changeset [24819] by jdreed
Release 1.22, we can combine the launch code later
22:23 Changeset [24818] by jdreed
In gdm-config: * Add branding widget for new gdm (Trac: #505)
22:07 Changeset [24817] by jdreed
Switch to glade for the branding
17:50 Changeset [24816] by jdreed
Add debathena-branding widget


22:04 Ticket #673 (Rebuild for Squeeze) created by geofft
Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" was released. We should bump ~debian6.0~0.2 to just …
21:56 Ticket #672 (Build for Maverick) created by geofft
Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat" reached DebianImportFreeze? a while ago and …
20:37 Ticket #671 (integration tests for debathena-printing-config) created by geofft
So, debathena-printing-config has lots of little unit tests, which is …
20:25 Changeset [24815] by geofft
In printing-config: * Fix a typo in common.get_default_printer() (Trac: #665). * Add a missing dependency on the pkg_resources module.
16:57 Ticket #670 (CUPS 1.3 clients can't get queue state from CUPS 1.4 servers) created by geofft
This is a continuation of ticket #652, which we worked around locally by …
16:34 Changeset [24814] by geofft
lpq: subprocess.Popen().wait() is subprocess.call()
16:18 Changeset [24813] by geofft
In printing-config: * Work around broken cups-lpq interactions between 1.4 servers and older clients, by falling back to LPD manually implemented if the arguments to lpq are trivial (Trac: #652).
05:02 Ticket #669 (tex-config does not like being installed or uninstalled) created by geofft
If tex-config is installed without TeX being installed, you get […] and …


15:12 Changeset [24812] by jdreed
UBUNTU_RELEASE is always set now
14:31 Changeset [24811] by jdreed
Be more verbose when debugging
13:29 Changeset [24810] by jdreed
In cluster-login-config: * Transform the pam gdm config to disallow root gdm logins (Trac #657)
11:56 Changeset [24809] by jdreed
The package is called kexec-tools, not kexec
11:44 Ticket #668 (Come up with an authenticated upgrade path) created by jdreed
Geoff notes on zephyr: At some point I would appreciate us packaging the …
02:46 Ticket #667 (d-i and anna do not recover from network issues well) created by geofft
So, there's #666 about mirrors.mit.edu having been _particularly_ bad in …


23:03 Changeset [24808] by jdreed
Fix path to kexec
22:39 Changeset [24807] by jdreed
In auto-update: * Add athena-auto-upgrade to try and upgrade machines to a new release * Depend on kexec, for auto-upgrade
22:16 Ticket #666 (Ask mirrors.mit.edu maintainers to upgrade lighttpd) created by jdreed
Geoff notes that Anders directed us to: …


21:23 Changeset [24806] by jdreed
Fix typo in r24805 and add quoting
21:19 Changeset [24805] by jdreed
Do tests Right(tm)
20:48 Changeset [24804] by jdreed
Add a .default file and use better variable names
20:31 Changeset [24803] by jdreed
Provide a mechanism for the sysadmin to allow upgrades on not-cluster
17:29 Ticket #665 (lpr/lpq/lp do not detect default printer) created by kchen
[…] When I go to System->Administration->Printing, I find that I have …
02:51 Changeset [24802] by geofft
thirdparty-libraries: Add libcurl4-gnutls-dev per alexp's mail of 10 August 2010


14:28 Ticket #664 (saferm doesn't deal with largefiles) created by jweiss
When invoked from clean-tmp-areas: saferm: foo: Value too large for …
12:44 Changeset [24801] by geofft
Actually libmpc2 doesn't exist on Jaunty, so make it a recommendation
12:42 Changeset [24800] by geofft
More tweaks to thirdparty per Alex' followup mail of 6 August 2010
03:37 Changeset [24799] by geofft
Changes to thirdparty per Alex' mail of 5 August 2010


11:10 Ticket #663 (Document Viewer isn't in the Applications menu) created by jdreed
It totally should be, especially because Acrobat is becoming increasingly …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.