


14:32 Ticket #877 (Re-sync moira with source) closed by jdreed
00:41 Ticket #897 (PXE installer sets non-cluster hostnames to install-target-host) created by geofft
There's code in …


18:24 Ticket #896 (Source should be trivially usable on not-Debathena) created by jdreed
Now that we're the canonical Athena source, some packages should be …
12:49 Ticket #895 (Switch to hpijs drivers for our printing) created by jdreed
The world has given up on PostScript?, and we should too. The hpijs pcl3 …
10:24 Ticket #894 (Consider changing display sleep time) created by jdreed
Currently, the display sleep time is 30 minutes, and the screensaver is 5. …


22:36 PackageNamesWeDidntUse edited by kaduk


19:50 Changeset [25131] by geofft
Rename install-debathena.sh to install-debathena.beta.sh This way there's a manual step involved between "svn up" and a new installer going live.


17:37 Ticket #893 (CUPS is now unwilling to have no default printer) created by geofft
On linerva (CUPS 1.3.8): […] On tyger (CUPS 1.4.4): […] I think …
09:39 Ticket #892 (Consider adding a web page to walk people through c-p-d examples) created by jdreed
Recent e-mail exchanges suggest that we need to provide a slightly simpler …


13:57 Ticket #891 (Consider setting Lynx' STARTFILE to something less stupid) created by jdreed
Lynx's startfile is currently " http://lynx.isc.org", which apparently …


18:22 Ticket #890 (Adobe Reader uses lpr, not lp) created by geofft
For some reason Adobe Reader generates CUPS command lines starting with …
18:20 Ticket #889 (Kill the LPR GTK+ backend) created by geofft
At some point we should probably drop our …


21:25 Ticket #888 (Pull in new moira) created by jdreed
moira's r4038 fixes a crash in moira(1) that was being encountered in the …


16:25 Ticket #887 (Support ‘apt-get changelog’) created by andersk
Natty and wheezy support apt-get changelog ( DebianBug:526990). …
14:34 Ticket #872 (reactivate needs to recreate /etc/nologin symlink each time the snapshot ...) closed by jdreed
14:25 Ticket #540 (debathena-lprng should be providing /usr/sbin/lpc) closed by jdreed
14:13 Ticket #807 (test upstream change to LPRng) closed by jdreed


21:50 PackageNamesWeDidntUse edited by lizdenys
added two that came up today (diff)
15:22 Changeset [25130] by geofft
do-build: Fix typo
03:39 Changeset [25129] by geofft
do-build: Take non-production releases of into account
03:06 Changeset [25128] by geofft
Remove beta tag from Natty for release rebuild
02:50 Changeset [25127] by geofft
In from-config: * Use config-package-dev 4.12 (yay) to handle undiversions, instead of a copy of a broken version of its undiversions code.


02:55 Changeset [25126] by geofft
delete: Remove redundant explicit -lcom_err from Makefile
02:51 Changeset [25125] by geofft
In aclocal: * PKG_CHECK_MODULES doesn't split LDFLAGS and LIBS properly. Since we need to insert com_err's LDFLAGS before AFS's, but since -lcom_err needs to be after the object files, we need this split. So, reimplement what we need of it and just use PKG_CHECK_EXISTS.


21:35 Ticket #886 (Unlocking screen messes with zwgc's auth) created by cfox
When I type my password into gnome-screensaver, my running zwgc loses the …
20:24 Ticket #885 (Rebuild and package kerberometer) created by jdreed
Because we can. And because amb also thinks it's a good idea. See …
16:35 Changeset [25124] by geofft
daschroot: Tell me what session I'm in
13:50 InterMapTxt edited by andersk
Add automake (diff)
03:59 Changeset [25123] by geofft
In aclocal: * If we're going to use pkg-config's macros, having pkg-config installed is probably a good plan.
03:28 Changeset [25122] by geofft
delete: Add a versioned dep for the needed athena_com_err.m4 version
03:12 Changeset [25121] by geofft
In aclocal: * Make ATHENA_UTIL_COM_ERR use pkg-config to find com_err's location (and set CFLAGS instead of CPPFLAGS as pkg-config wants), and prefix CFLAGS and LDFLAGS so as to cause the normal com_err to be found in preference to AFS' variant.
02:28 Ticket #318 (Extend nss-nonlocal to support whitelisting nonlocal groups and grplists) closed by andersk
01:50 Changeset [25120] by geofft
In delete: * Update packaging to use debathena-aclocal instead of daconfiscate. * Bump debhelper compatibility level.


19:17 Changeset [25119] by geofft
In delete: * Update autogoo for the 21st century.


18:45 Changeset [25118] by geofft
daschroot: Let chroot-sources know what dist we want
18:37 Changeset [25117] by geofft
daschroot: error out on failure, not success
18:18 Changeset [25116] by geofft
Add 'daschroot', which adds Debathena sources.list entries automatically


18:22 Changeset [25115] by kaduk
fix grammar errors in r25103 spotted by geofft
17:22 PackageNamesWeDidntUse edited by lizdenys
added debathena-lizdenys-death-glare-config (diff)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.