


19:58 Changeset [25583] by geofft
In ldso1-stub: * Initial release. (Trac: #476)
14:55 Ticket #880 (associate .ram files with RealPlayer) closed by jdreed
wontfix: The world (and OCW) have moved on to Flash. And VLC works. And all the …


14:46 Ticket #1155 (jmol, gcco requested for thirdparty) created by alexp
Please add the following to thirdparty: jmol, jmol-applet …
10:25 Changeset [25582] by jdreed
In sendbug: * Make the bug report questions clearer, give the user some guidance on using archaic TTY editors
10:05 Ticket #1154 (Setting EDITOR=emacs by default is stupid in 2012) created by jdreed
OTOH, "emacs" is guaranteed to work in tty and X11 mode. I supposed we …


20:37 Changeset [25581] by jdreed
Remove typo'd snark, replace with real comment.
20:30 Changeset [25580] by jdreed
Add Trac closer
20:29 Changeset [25579] by jdreed
In gdm-config: * In a multiple monitor setup, like all the cool kids have, position the branding and welcome windows on the primary monitor
17:20 Ticket #1150 (dasource should refuse to work for "UNRELEASED" packages) closed by jdreed
17:05 Changeset [25578] by jdreed
Don't build UNRELEASED packages
16:56 Ticket #674 (alpine renders html non-breaking space incorrectly) closed by jdreed
16:50 Changeset [25577] by jdreed
In kiosk: * Make postinst idempotent (Trac: 770)
16:15 Ticket #1149 (Re-snapshot moira at r4081 for SITE locker support) closed by jdreed
fixed: Moved to production. By 8pm + desync(6 hours) it will be fully deployed.


17:03 Changeset [25576] by jdreed
In reactivate: * Bump Standards-Version
17:00 Changeset [25575] by jdreed
In reactivate: * dbus-daemon-launch-helper moved in precise
16:39 Changeset [25574] by jdreed
In lightdm-config: * It's GLib.GError, not Glib.Gerror
16:34 Ticket #1153 (recovery-mode-config broken on Precise) created by jdreed
Precise has the filesystem in read-only mode in recovery-mode. We should …
16:22 Changeset [25573] by jdreed
Cleanup: move cupsys-hack from toplevel of attic to debathena subdir
16:20 Changeset [25572] by jdreed
Move tex-bin to attic
16:08 Changeset [25571] by jdreed
In tex-config: * Remove build dependency on debathena-tex-bin, since we no longer support non-texlive releases (e.g. Etch)
16:04 Ticket #669 (tex-config does not like being installed or uninstalled) closed by jdreed
16:00 Changeset [25570] by jdreed
In firefox-extension: * Don't symlink onto something that exists
14:54 Ticket #1046 (Kill debathena-tex-bin) closed by jdreed
duplicate: Dupe of #590
14:22 Changeset [25569] by jdreed
Don't screw with networking/hostname if we passed the right stuff to the installer
13:53 Changeset [25568] by jdreed
In reactivate: * Actually install the diverted lightdm-session.debathena file
13:18 Changeset [25567] by jdreed
Actually add the install.log queries, instead of just adding them to the 'queries' output.
13:13 Changeset [25566] by jdreed
Add a Makefile for installing athinfod
13:13 Changeset [25565] by jdreed
Support serving the athena installation log over athinfo
12:39 Changeset [25564] by jdreed
In thirdparty-libraries: * Temporarily depend on libopencv-core-dev until libcv-dev is restored
12:31 Changeset [25563] by jdreed
In thirdparty-libraries: * Demote wine and libcv-dev to recommendations pending fixing of upstream bugs (LP #974504, #954209, #975967)
10:33 Changeset [25562] by jdreed
Support -bleeding repository
10:21 Ticket #1152 (Deal with Secure Boot on Windows 8-era hardware) created by achernya
Windows 8 requires that all hardware shipped with it pre-installed have …


15:09 Ticket #1151 (Fix skewed packages in production) created by jdreed
archive-keying: 1.4 [hardy lucid squeeze] 1.3 [natty oneiric precise] …
14:59 Ticket #988 (Installer should warn about IPs with no hostnames in stage1) closed by jdreed
12:15 Changeset [25561] by jdreed
Move lightdm-launch-kiosk to correct location in source tree
12:15 Changeset [25560] by jdreed
Move lightdm-launch-kiosk to correct location in source tree
12:15 Changeset [25559] by jdreed
Cleanup unnecessary imports
11:54 Changeset [25558] by jdreed
In lightdm-config: * Explicitly set the text and id columns of the ComboBox to work around GtkBuilder bugs * The greeter needs to keep track of whether the user hit Cancel or not in LightDM 1.0 (oneiric)


17:21 Changeset [25557] by jdreed
In kiosk: * Support launching from lightdm
17:19 Changeset [25556] by jdreed
In lightdm-config: * Support kiosk browsing
16:00 Changeset [25555] by jdreed
Use variables we actually set in case statements; add missing ;;
15:19 Changeset [25554] by jdreed
Set a parent for the MessageDialog
14:26 Changeset [25553] by jdreed
In kiosk: * Don't launch the kiosk mode if an update is in progress (Trac: #1006)
12:31 Ticket #1024 (upgrade.log is not queryable over athinfo) closed by jdreed
fixed: We fixed this forever ago
12:31 Ticket #1043 (Net install maybe sucks?) closed by jdreed
worksforme: Can't repro on any current hardware, and don't have access to the failed …
12:29 Ticket #1065 (Installing debathena-thirdparty uninstalls debathena-workstation) closed by jdreed
worksforme: Can't repro on Natty or Precise.
12:28 Changeset [25552] by jdreed
In moira-gui: * Fail if we can't auth to moira.
12:01 Ticket #913 (Come up with an awesome way to manage nobuild files) closed by jdreed
11:47 Ticket #1098 (deprecate lprng syntax in printing-config) closed by jdreed
11:47 Ticket #1115 (debathena-discuss compile fails under Wheezy) closed by jdreed
11:47 Ticket #864 (libgms' temporary cache doesn't exist) closed by jdreed
11:47 Ticket #964 (getcluster(1) is full of lies) closed by jdreed
11:46 Ticket #603 (edsc should deal with unexpected discuss errors) closed by jdreed
11:46 Ticket #1134 (debathena-moira FTBFS) closed by jdreed
11:46 Ticket #1133 (debathena-syslog FTBFS) closed by jdreed
11:46 Ticket #1076 (Get rid of -branding packages) closed by jdreed
11:46 Ticket #1055 (update_server is enabled on all fresh installs because of broken dpkg ...) closed by jdreed
11:45 Ticket #888 (Pull in new moira) closed by jdreed
11:45 Ticket #556 (chsh.moira shouldn't use /etc/shells) closed by jdreed
11:44 Ticket #1116 (debathena-grenew compile fails under Wheezy) closed by jdreed
11:26 Changeset [25551] by jdreed
In firefox-extension: * Don't release packages with an distribution of "UNRELEASED" * No other changes from previous version
11:24 Ticket #1150 (dasource should refuse to work for "UNRELEASED" packages) created by jdreed
Packages with a codename/suitename of "UNRELEASED" should not be released, …
11:20 Changeset [25550] by jdreed
In bugme: * Minor UI tweaks; this won't always be used on a "Quickstation" * Add a "Log out" button to the warning dialog, in case the user somehow minimized the kiosk browser and can't get it back


13:28 Changeset [25549] by jdreed
Actually add and install the gconf-tree.xml
13:26 Changeset [25548] by jdreed
In kiosk: * Add a gconf-tree.xml to prevent [redacted] (Trac: 1130) * Tweak wording on home page.
12:01 Changeset [25547] by jdreed
In moira: * Re-snapshot moira at r4081, to pick up client changes for lockers of type 'SITE'
11:49 Changeset [25546] by jdreed
Speak fitly or be silent wisely.
11:33 Changeset [25545] by jdreed
In lightdm-config: * The show-message callback takes 3 args, not 2.
10:45 Ticket #1149 (Re-snapshot moira at r4081 for SITE locker support) created by jdreed
#888 notwithstanding, I'm going to put moira r4081 into -dev today, per …
00:40 Changeset [25544] by kaduk
In reactivate: * Remove unnecessary invocation of cp(1)


19:07 Changeset [25543] by jdreed
Fail for IPs without hostnames
19:01 Ticket #975 (ttf-msttcorefonts-installer postinst fails when ubuntu-desktop is pulled ...) closed by jdreed
fixed: Geoff's patch made it into oneiric. We don't care about an SRU anymore, I …
12:25 Ticket #901 (usb-creator-gtk doesn't work on cluster) closed by jdreed
worksforme: I can't repro this anymore. I wonder if this was related to our …
11:31 Ticket #1148 (Bump PXE server to Precise pending HW support) created by jdreed
At some point, Dell will likely come out with new hardware. It may or may …
09:34 Ticket #925 (Order of sanity checks in installer is stupid) closed by jdreed
09:32 Ticket #613 (recommend debathena-standard automatically if laptop-detect) closed by jdreed
fixed: This got pushed out a while ago.
09:25 Changeset [25542] by jdreed
In pam-config: * Explain that Kerberos errors can be caused by @ signs (Trac: #612)
09:25 Ticket #612 (adding "@mit.edu" on the login screen gives "Cannot contact the Athena ...) reopened by jdreed
09:18 Changeset [25541] by jdreed
In lightdm-config: * Explain how to type a username correctly
09:12 Ticket #612 (adding "@mit.edu" on the login screen gives "Cannot contact the Athena ...) closed by jdreed
wontfix: Fixed for lightdm, in that "getent joeuser@… passwd" returns an …
08:48 Changeset [25540] by jdreed
Fix typo in changelog


23:04 Changeset [25539] by jdreed
In lightdm-config: * Scale the background, since most displays are not 2560x1600 * Bump the scaling factor on the owl, the previous values were when we were in an additional window and could obscure the greeter * Disallow logins when we're taking an update
17:44 Changeset [25538] by jdreed
In reactivate: * Transform the schroot fstab in the schroot config script to deal with the /run transition
16:34 Ticket #1147 (getty.debathena doesn't work in Precise) created by jdreed
Pressing Enter does not in fact return you to your session.
16:31 Ticket #1146 (Make reactivate work with Precise) created by jdreed
I've already diverted lightdm's session wrapper the same way we did to …
15:57 Changeset [25537] by jdreed
In machtype: * hostname -f can fail and grep -Fqxi '' can return true * define the quickstation file at the top
14:41 Changeset [25536] by jdreed
In reactivate: * Set NSS_NONLOCAL_IGNORE when running getent, because we care about local gruops, not Hesiod ones * Add the user to "sudo" as well, since "admin" is gone in Precise (LP: 893842) * Use SESSION_ID, not CHROOT_NAME in schroot setup script. SESSION_ID was always right, and CHROOT_NAME simply happened to match it due to a bug (Debian: 623828) * Also divert lightdm-session (lightdm's session wrapper) and wrap it in snapshot-run
13:29 Ticket #1145 (Switch to apt-get for installer) created by jdreed
aptitude is unable to resolve the dependencies needed to install …
12:31 Changeset [25535] by jdreed
In gdm-config: * Update athena-session for the Unity world
11:14 Changeset [25534] by jdreed
Don't build on old releases
11:08 Changeset [25533] by jdreed
No, really, use the correct dependency
11:06 Changeset [25532] by jdreed
We don't want --debug when xinitrc calls bugme Depend on correct version of bugme
10:50 Changeset [25531] by jdreed
In login-graphical: * Maybe depend on lightdm-config.
10:44 Changeset [25530] by jdreed
>> is not the same as >=
10:40 Changeset [25529] by jdreed
Depend on lightdm 1.0.6 or later Encourage the user to use lightdm via debconf if they're using another dm


21:30 Ticket #1144 (kiosk doesn't work with FF >7) created by jdreed
21:29 Changeset [25528] by jdreed
In kiosk: * Support Firefox through November, at which point we should give up and switch to Chrome
21:23 Changeset [25527] by jdreed
Depend on new version of bugme with --fatal support
21:21 Changeset [25526] by jdreed
In kiosk: * Terminate kiosk sessions after 15 minutes. Patch from Luke Faraone
21:20 Changeset [25525] by jdreed
In bugme: * Add a feature which forces a logout after a 1.5x the "allowed" duration (Trac: #830 and #831). Patch from Luke Faraone. * Allow speciyfing Glade file on command line for debugging * Minor UI tweaks
20:27 Changeset [25524] by jdreed
Remove duplicate test for nonzero exit status Nuke /auto-upgrade in case it's sticking around from a failed upgrade
18:03 Ticket #875 (nobuild files should live in svn) closed by jdreed
18:00 Ticket #958 (config-package-dev needs to use `LC_ALL=C dpkg-divert --list`) closed by jdreed
fixed: Was pushed out a while ago.
18:00 Ticket #998 (xsession: hotline isn't the contact for private machines) closed by jdreed
fixed: This got pushed out.
17:50 Ticket #1049 (config-package-dev can’t transform non-conffiles files in Multi-Arch: same ...) closed by jdreed
fixed: c-p-d 4.13 made it into production a while ago.
16:58 Changeset [25523] by jdreed
12:29 Changeset [25522] by jdreed
In firefox-extension: * Add additional Help menu items
12:21 Changeset [25521] by jdreed
'fi' does not terminate 'for' loops


17:26 Ticket #1143 (nss_nonlocal allegedly breaks with recent glibc) created by geofft
In the discussion on sssd-devel about security equivalent to nss-nonlocal, …
12:17 Changeset [25520] by jdreed
In firefox-extension: * Clean up from when ubufox.js moved to /etc/xul-ext
10:57 Ticket #1058 (/etc/firefox-3.0/pref/ubufox.js transition not managed well) closed by jdreed
duplicate: See #865


18:30 Changeset [25519] by jdreed
In firefox-extension: * Sync extension version number with package version number * Support Gecko 2.0, because apparently the XPCOM component hasn't worked since Firefox 3.x * Switch to XPCOMUtils.jsm for the XPCOM scaffolding (break compatibility with Firefox 2 and earlier)


17:06 Ticket #1142 (-workstation should not install build-depends) created by jdreed
If you want to build Debathena software, go install build-depends …


14:06 Ticket #1141 (Consider a flag file which disables the dialup's sshd sanity checking) created by jdreed
Consider ~/.let-me-shoot-myself-in-the-foot or something that disables the …


13:15 Changeset [25518] by kaduk
bump wheezy tag for a psuite=squeeze rebuild
12:18 Ticket #1140 (Switch to authenticated mail path) created by jdreed
Unauthenticated mail is on its way out, and we should not waste time …


02:03 Changeset in config-package-dev [9350e97] by Anders Kaseorg <andersk@…>
mastergeofftjdreed-docsmaster-plus-renamerenametrac-867-interpolatetrac1358Reverse {pre,post}rm maintainer script fragments when DH_COMPAT ≥ 6, not 5 Reported-by: Geoffrey Thomas <geofft@mit.edu> Signed-off-by: Anders Kaseorg <andersk@mit.edu>


19:56 Changeset [25517] by bbaren
Bump wheezy tag


21:29 PackageNamesWeDidntUse edited by achernya


16:51 PackageNamesWeDidntUse edited by jdreed
15:44 Ticket #1139 (TracZephyrPlugin doesn't deal with editing comments) created by jdreed
In Trac 0.12, you can edit comments. Changes are not zephyred.
13:30 Changeset [25516] by jdreed
In auto-update: * UI fixup in athena-auto-upgrade * Handle new netcfg/disable_autoconfig parameter * Set the root device by UUID, not LVM name
13:26 Changeset [25515] by jdreed
Oneiric and up changed the parameter to disable DHCP
11:41 Changeset [25514] by jdreed
In firefox-extension: * Instead, figure out whether to add that additional symlink in the postinst and clean it up in the postrm. Firefox is moving fast enough that doing it at build time is wrong, since we don't rebuild the package every time there's a FF bump


13:23 Ticket #196 (squeeze+ releases should include deb60 sysnames) closed by jdreed
13:21 Ticket #748 (two quota warnings, one saying that you're out of quota) closed by jdreed
fixed: This got pushed out already.
13:19 Ticket #1086 (add WIN.MIT.EDU to krb5.conf) closed by jdreed
fixed: This went out a while ago.
11:59 Changeset [25513] by jdreed
Unset the trap before we exit
11:52 Changeset [25512] by jdreed
- Don't die if grep-dctrl returns non-zero - Throw in an EXIT trap for future generations to provide some feedback if we die
11:41 Changeset [25511] by jdreed
Fix typo in package name introduced in r25502
10:58 Changeset [25510] by jdreed
Unbreak pre-DKMS installs, which have been broken since April 2011 and nobody noticed.
09:56 Changeset [25509] by jdreed
In gdm-config: * gdm-config will temporarily Provide the old branding packages to avoid the possibility of anything terrible happening.


16:51 Changeset [25508] by jdreed
Use X-Debathena-Build-For in c-l-c and tex-config
16:37 Changeset [25507] by jdreed
Use new X-Debathena-Build-For field
16:35 Changeset [25506] by jdreed
In thirdparty-audio: * Demote xmcd to recommendation; gone as of precise In thirdparty-graphics: * Demote povray, sdr, and xprint-utils to recommendations * glutg3 is now called freeglut3 * libghc6 is now libghc In thirdparty-languages: * jython-gcj is now part of jython In thirdparty-libraries: * Stop depending on specific versions and depend on the generic -dev packages for libvtk, libginac, libcln, libitpp, libpari (including gmp3) and libboostc * vtk-tcl got renamed to tcl-vtk * libppl got a version boost * xulrunner-dev demoted to a recommendation In thirdparty-programming: * Ironpython is gone in Precise
13:18 Ticket #1138 (Update thirdparty for Precise) created by jdreed
Thirdparty won't work in precise: -audio: xmcd is gone -programming: …
12:12 Changeset [25505] by jdreed
Cleanup version command
12:11 Changeset [25504] by jdreed
Use minimal athinfod in the installer
10:59 Ticket #508 (Restore legacy LaTeX packages) closed by jdreed
10:58 Ticket #758 (floatflt.sty missing in Lucid) closed by jdreed
wontfix:  http://www.tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2011-August/029862.html suggests …
10:15 Ticket #356 (Firefox pops up extension list on startup) closed by jdreed
worksforme: Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make …


17:20 Changeset [25503] by jdreed
In firefox-extension: * Don't attempt to symlink two things in the same place; on newer versions of Firefox, /usr/lib/firefox/extensions is a symlink into firefox-addons
16:30 Ticket #1137 (firefox-extension doesn't install on Precise) closed by jdreed
16:22 Ticket #1137 (firefox-extension doesn't install on Precise) created by jdreed
[…] I have no idea why it thinks it can't install that symlink.
16:22 Ticket #1136 (firefox-extension doesn't work with modern FF on new installs) created by jdreed
The extension has been broken for a while now. We should have stopped …
15:31 Changeset [25502] by jdreed
In gdm-config: * Remove -branding packages. Ancient GDM users now get the word "Debathena" instead of the metapackage name. In cluster: * Remove -branding packages In login-graphical: * Remove -branding packages In workstation: * Remove -branding packages
14:17 Changeset [25501] by jdreed
Don't ship files in the same place as other packages
13:50 Ticket #1097 (Kill tex-config with fire) closed by jdreed
fixed: We did this in workstation 1.6, which only depends on tex-config is …
13:24 Changeset [25500] by jdreed
* Add power management dialog * Debconf for installation and removal * i18n for debconf to make Lintian happy
00:03 Ticket #273 (debathena-moira-clients: userreg has a manpage but does not exist) closed by jdreed
fixed: Fixed upstream in r4078. And we closed a ticket in the 200s, woo!


22:31 Changeset [25499] by jdreed
Use the correct field names, since we'll now be looking in the control file, which will have the preceeding 'X-'
22:26 Changeset [25498] by jdreed
Revert r25479 and r25479
21:22 Changeset [25497] by jdreed
Revert r25476 and r25479
20:59 Ticket #913 (Come up with an awesome way to manage nobuild files) reopened by jdreed
NAK, the current code in daupload-proposed doesn't work, because XSC …
20:44 Changeset [25496] by jdreed
In reactivate: * Use new Debathena-Build-For field in control file to control releases this gets built on.
20:43 Ticket #862 (Consider a whitelist equivalent for nobuild) closed by jdreed
duplicate: Fixed in #913.
20:42 Ticket #913 (Come up with an awesome way to manage nobuild files) closed by jdreed
fixed: Deployed to the locker.
20:15 Ticket #1048 (Consider moving back to dm/xlogin) closed by jdreed
20:07 Ticket #682 (You can't completely disable user-switching in new-gdm) closed by jdreed
fixed: This got fixed upstream.
19:57 Changeset [25495] by jdreed
In reactivate: * Stop creating a symlink from /var/run/athena-nologin to /etc/nologin, because other thinks like to clobber /etc/nologin. Our greeter (which you have to use on cluster), will check for our own flag file and deny logins
19:41 Ticket #873 (Our build infrastructure is not reliable) closed by jdreed
fixed: OK, after 2 weeks of tar-based chroots, things look good. I've gone ahead …


20:27 Ticket #1135 (Punt the hacky metapackages used only in build dependencies) created by geofft
sbuild 0.63.0-1 (in git, unreleased) drops the 'internal' dependency …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.