- 03:53 Ticket #1265 (Discourage zombie moshes) created by
- We have lots of mosh-server's on linerva that probably have no clients …
- 03:41 Ticket #1264 (Figure out why we have so many processes) created by
- Shortly after booting, we had about 1.4K processes. It went way up the …
- 13:05 Ticket #1258 (Stop sending afs byte-range lock messages to wslogger) closed by
- fixed: Third time's the charm.
- 12:34 Changeset [25780] by
- In syslog-config: * Re-try the fix from 1.7, with restarting rsyslog, not reloading it
- 15:56 Changeset [25779] by
- In syslog-config: * Previous fix didn't work; give up and drop everything below err.
- 15:33 Ticket #1258 (Stop sending afs byte-range lock messages to wslogger) reopened by
- We're still seeing these logs arrive at urania. The first two machines I …
- 16:38 Ticket #550 (Use dh_gconf instead of gconftool-2 in cluster-login-config) closed by
- fixed
- 16:36 Ticket #976 (debathena-gdm-config doesn't handle Debian gdm3 package) closed by
- fixed
- 16:36 Ticket #1190 (sudo erroneously tells you you're on a quickstation) closed by
- fixed
- 16:36 Ticket #1218 (lightdm-confing doesn't populate update start time when an update happens ...) closed by
- fixed
- 16:36 Ticket #1219 (Use sudoers.d, don't scribble over /etc/sudoers) closed by
- fixed
- 16:36 Ticket #1224 (libnss-nonlocal FTFBS on wheezy) closed by
- fixed
- 16:35 Ticket #1226 (debathena-nmh FTFBS on wheezy) closed by
- fixed
- 16:35 Ticket #1229 (Update machtype for quantal and wheezy) closed by
- fixed
- 16:35 Ticket #1240 (Remove require-final-newline from emacs-config) closed by
- fixed
- 16:35 Ticket #1241 (debathena-emacs-config doesn’t uninstall cleanly) closed by
- fixed
- 16:35 Ticket #1249 (Evolution displays annoying Nautilus error when saving attachments) closed by
- fixed
- 16:19 Ticket #1258 (Stop sending afs byte-range lock messages to wslogger) closed by
- fixed: Uploaded to production, and machines will update over the next 6 hours.
- 16:15 Ticket #1126 (/usr/athena/bin/python breaks with /usr/athena symlink) closed by
- wontfix: http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/x/0IQBCQ
- 16:14 Changeset [25778] by
- Revert r25777
- 16:03 Changeset [25777] by
- In python-config: * Initial release. (Trac: #1126)
- 15:32 Changeset [25776] by
- Revert r25775
- 15:22 Ticket #1263 (Get rid of /usr/athena) created by
- I would like to finally kill off /usr/athena. We can do this in stages, …
- 12:00 Ticket #1262 (lightdm has no gir bindings in Wheezy) created by
- Or in Debian at all, AFAICT. It's unclear why. We should probably give …
- 01:21 Ticket #1261 (Inactive SIAB sessions should get cleaned up) created by
- AIUI, if you close the tab containing a SIAB session, it won't get closed. …
- 23:57 Changeset [25775] by
- In base: * Make the /usr/athena symlinks more explicit because Python sucks (Trac: #1126)
- 12:04 Changeset [25774] by
- In lightdm-config: * Fix tooltips in power menu (Trac: #1260)
- 12:02 Ticket #1260 (lightdm-greeter's "Restart"menu item has a stray tooltip) created by
- And the other menu items don't have any tooltips.
- 17:14 Changeset [25773] by
- In reactivate: * Cleanup cached user dmrc files and AccountService entries (Trac: #1259) In xsession: * Cleanup lightdm's cached dmrc
- 17:05 Ticket #1259 (Every user who has ever used the machine is cached in the username menu) created by
- And their dmrc is cached by lightdm.
- 15:49 Changeset [25772] by
- In reactivate: * Bump the chroot's ramdisk to 50% of RAM or 1G, whichever is higher (Trac: #1207)
- 15:25 Ticket #1090 (Debian's texlive is aging) closed by
- fixed: 2012 is in wheezy and quantal.
- 13:41 Changeset [25771] by
- In syslog-config: * Drop afs byte-range locking messages (Trac: #1258)
- 13:41 Ticket #1258 (Stop sending afs byte-range lock messages to wslogger) created by
- Firefox is now doing a lot more byte-range locking than it used to, and …
- 12:40 Ticket #690 (debathena-nologin-monitor should display contents of /etc/nologin) closed by
- invalid: debathena-nologin-monitor is a misnomer, and monitors our nologin file, …
- 15:05 Ticket #1242 (screensaver logout doesn't work) closed by
- fixed
- 13:21 Changeset in config-package-dev [96d3738] by
- mastergeofftjdreed-docsmaster-plus-renamerenametrac-867-interpolatetrac1358Undivert on deconfigure, not just on remove See http://debathena.mit.edu/trac/ticket/388 for discussion. There are more cases to think through here, but adding the deconfigure behavior is correct and the most useful.
- 13:21 Changeset in config-package-dev [bb79498] by
- mastergeofftjdreed-docsmaster-plus-renamerenametrac-867-interpolatetrac1358divert.sh: Remove an unnecessary parameter passed to undivert_unlink_divert. This closes http://debathena.mit.edu/trac/ticket/1061 .
- 21:27 Changeset in config-package-dev [04db013] by
- mastergeofftjdreed-docsmaster-plus-renamerenametrac-867-interpolatetrac1358debathena-conffile-example: Don't divert non-conffiles mailname is unversioned, and papersize is handled by ucf.
- 19:19 Ticket #1235 (tellme's usage message should use basename $0) closed by
- fixed: fixed while I was there to add the new fall combo
- 14:37 Changeset [25770] by
- In shell-config: * Don't source the now non-existent original undiverted profile
- 15:22 Changeset [25769] by
- In shell-config: * Remove stray escaped newline in DEB_DIVERT_FILES_debathena-bash-config
- 15:20 Changeset [25768] by
- In auto-update: * Ensure there are no double slashes in URLs, because Google hates them * Make the mirror check non-fatal -- merely warn
- 11:04 Changeset [25767] by
- Support overlayfs chroots
- 15:39 Changeset [25766] by
- In workstation: * Add debathena-nautilus-afs (Trac: #395)
- 12:50 Ticket #1191 (Get rid of "dirname $0" in the build scripts) closed by
- fixed
- 12:49 Changeset [25765] by
- Remove stray "exit 0"
- 14:31 Changeset in config-package-dev [28e4629] by
- mastergeofftjdreed-docsmaster-plus-renamerenametrac-867-interpolatetrac1358debathena-transform-example: Transform lynx.cfg instead of syslog.conf syslog.conf comes from sysklogd, which is unlikely to exist on a modern system, and is likely to cause unwanted side effects if installed. lynx can fairly safely be installed on most systems, so it makes a better example.
- 14:30 Changeset in config-package-dev [14d5570] by
- mastergeofftjdreed-docsmaster-plus-renamerenametrac-867-interpolatetrac1358examples/*/debian/control*: Fix typos and dependencies In particular, cdbs does not need to be a runtime dependency, and transformation targets need to be build dependencies. Also, update debian/control from debian/control.in.
- 12:56 Changeset in config-package-dev [6f127cb] by
- mastergeofftjdreed-docsmaster-plus-renamerenametrac-867-interpolatetrac1358Don't remove DEB_DIVERT_EXTENSION from DEB_CHECK_FILES_SOURCEs The purpose of removing the extension is to determine the name of the source file to be transformed. If that name is explicitly specified, it's incorrect to further process it.
- 12:55 Changeset in config-package-dev [c94f42b] by
- mastergeofftjdreed-docsmaster-plus-renamerenametrac-867-interpolatetrac1358divert.mk: Fix two slightly misleading comments
- 03:29 Ticket #1257 (debathena-msmtp should check non-default subcaches in a DIR ccache) created by
- krb1.10 or so adds DIR ccaches, which allow having credentials for …
- 17:05 Changeset [25764] by
- In discuss: * Fix buffer overflow when re-adding meeting (Trac: #973)
- 14:40 Ticket #1253 (Duplexing disabled on mitprint queue) closed by
- fixed
- 14:37 Changeset [25763] by
- In nautilus-afs: * Complete rewrite for Nautilus 3 and Gtk3 * Does not depend on pyafs
- 11:38 Ticket #1256 (dialups should have per-user /tmp) created by
- 13:57 Changeset [25762] by
- In cupsys-config: * Fix typo in option name in lpadmin(8) invocation in configure-athena-printers
- 14:23 Changeset [25761] by
- The CUPS option is printer-is-shared, not printer-is-share
- 15:11 Changeset [25760] by
- Be clearer when telling MH users that they'll lose in Dec 2013.
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.