Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#183 config packages should Enhance packages they configure new enhancement trivial The Distant Future
#185 Install pkg-create-dbgsym in build chroots new enhancement low The Distant Future
#81 Cron job to check for changed upstream versions of diverted conffiles new enhancement normal The Distant Future
#302 Write zephyr notification hook for apt repo new enhancement low The Distant Future
#331 /package-list/proposed should include debdiffs new enhancement low The Distant Future
#551 Package sections don't line up with svn organization new defect low The Distant Future
#578 We need a better plan for manual-config new defect normal The Distant Future
#631 packages should not list their Section: as (implicitly) main new defect trivial The Distant Future
#726 dareprepro should use a global lock new enhancement low The Distant Future
#833 ctime no longer accurate in new defect low The Distant Future
#1029 Consider making reprepro not delete unreferenced files immediately new defect normal The Distant Future
#1101 Grand plan for fixing build-all and da and sbuildhack new enhancement normal The Distant Future
#1250 Please install XFCE on the clusters new enhancement normal Current Semester
#1369 Start shipping zsh in debathena-standard and up new enhancement normal The Distant Future
#579 Deal with 3.0 source packages assigned vasilvv defect normal The Distant Future
#560 Add Vcs-*: fields to packages new lexrj enhancement low The Distant Future
#334 aclocal.m4 is Wrong assigned achernya defect low The Distant Future
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