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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1181 fixed Policy on security updates adehnert

Reported by adehnert, 12 years ago.


There are concerns that athena.dialup may not be taking updates as often as our users might prefer (e.g., an OpenAFS update from August 2011 apparently still hasn't been applied).

#1265 fixed Discourage zombie moshes adehnert

Reported by adehnert, 12 years ago.


We have lots of mosh-server's on linerva that probably have no clients still around, and will never be connected to. We should figure out a good way to discourage them from accumulating. Fixing the garbage collection half of might be part of this.

Techniques / possible components:

  • installing an attachandrun script that we tell people to use, and having it do some sort of setup
  • kill long-idle mosh sessions (upstream changes may have a role to play here, as might just having root run a bunch of "kill" commands every once in a while...)
  • giving mosh sessions some session identifier and auto-killing any current servers with that session ID when connecting
  • yelling at people with lots of mosh sessions
#1293 wontfix username.dialup persistent DNS service adehnert

Reported by adehnert, 11 years ago.


One option for fixing #1176 would be for the load balancing infrastructure to automatically preferentially send you to your preferred dialup. (Another, the wrapper script approach from comment:3:ticket:1176, seems more annoying for users.)

AIUI, given the way ssh and the dialups work right now, we could easily do this by having a DNS server that handled or so and maintained a persistent mapping of username -> dialup. Ideally, we could convince IS&T to take and maintain this, but SIPB running such a service would be a useful second choice. In any case, Jon suggests that prototyping such a service is a good first step.

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