Custom Query (27 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#116 Hook whichlocker into command-not-found new enhancement low The Distant Future
#123 debathena-ssl-certificates should include a CRL reopened defect low The Distant Future
#133 debathena-zephyr-config should kill off zhm initscript new enhancement normal Current Semester
#152 debathena-cluster (and -workstation) should enable popcon reopened enhancement trivial The Distant Future
#183 config packages should Enhance packages they configure new enhancement trivial The Distant Future
#185 Install pkg-create-dbgsym in build chroots new enhancement low The Distant Future
#200 Investigate moving to LDAP for user management new defect normal The Distant Future
#302 Write zephyr notification hook for apt repo new enhancement low The Distant Future
#331 /package-list/proposed should include debdiffs new enhancement low The Distant Future
#338 Consider desupporting more older sysnames reopened defect low The Distant Future
#415 Write authenticator daemon to conspire with PyHesiodFS to get tokens new enhancement low The Distant Future
#439 Generate command-not-found database for Debathena new enhancement low The Distant Future
#472 pyhesiodfs should use Python-Depends for dependencies on other Python modules new defect low The Distant Future
#473 renew should take arguments, pass them to kinit assigned witchakk enhancement low The Distant Future
#486 Write a caching NSS module new task normal The Distant Future
#551 Package sections don't line up with svn organization new defect low The Distant Future
#553 Don't set ATHENA_USER=$USER if user isn't in nss-nonlocal-users new defect low The Distant Future
#555 Separation of cluster-login-config and reactivate is silly new enhancement low The Distant Future
#569 renew(1) is out of date and in the wrong package new defect low The Distant Future
#578 We need a better plan for manual-config new defect normal The Distant Future
#579 Deal with 3.0 source packages assigned vasilvv defect normal The Distant Future
#594 bash-config and tcsh-config leaks shell variables new defect trivial The Distant Future
#616 Don't use daemon(1) in debathena-metrics new defect trivial The Distant Future
#629 discuss should respect $PAGER new enhancement trivial The Distant Future
#777 De-serialize the login process new defect normal The Distant Future
#779 Enhance ureadahead to allow overrides new enhancement low Upstream Utopia
#797 Follow gnome-settings-daemon print notifications messaging new task normal Upstream Utopia
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